"The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; if we can come to terms with this indifference, then our existence as a species can have a genuine meaning. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light." Stanley Kubrick


E bine

Au revenit baietii de dimineata...asa ca ma trezesc iar bine dispusa de Craio si Dobro.
Cineva imi spunea ca se simte lipsa masculului in viata mea: am redevenit desteapta...pai nah, dragostea ma prosteste dar uneori, e bine sa fac prostii...(de vreun an si mai bine n-am mai facut niciuna :))
Se apropie toamna si rotitele se invirt iar asa ca vedem, nu zic nimic dar ma gindesc la planuri faine, deocamdata le pritocesc inspirativ.

(si nu, n-am chef sa scriu despre mall si topirlani si alte chestii cotidiene! Alea miine, poimiine)

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